Protection - Introduction


Have you ever seriously sat down and considered what you have by way of protection against death or possibly serious/critical illness?

No, is generally the answer most people offer. The "why not" is generally answered in the expected way, "our lives have just been too busy to look at it", or "I have sufficient cover through my employers", or even sometimes, "We would just have to make do – maybe sell the house/business".

Perhaps the State system will help you out – would you want to rely on that in the current economic climate. Do you even know what your employers level of cover against death or long term serious illness is? How long would your "emergency funds" last, those funds for a rainy day, if you were not getting paid by your employer? Would you want to sell the house and, even if you did, will the equity in downsizing last that long in the absence of any income?

We are here to help and advise. What you do with that advice is entirely your decision, but doing the right thing, perhaps before any health issues prevent you from obtaining even basic insurance, could go a long way to giving you, your family and/or your business, 'peace of mind', something we all like to have should the worst happen.

We can offer a tailor-made solution to your individual/business circumstances. Simply by asking the right questions and getting realistic answers, we can draw up a cost effective, efficient plan that solves most if not all of your concerns – and of course what it may cost and your willingness/affordability to meet that cost.

Campbell Alexander Financial Management can advise you on the best and most cost effective way of offering:

The main areas we advise on are:

  • Level Term Assurance
  • Decreasing Term/Mortgage Protection Assurance
  • Critical Illness Assurance – Protection against serious/critical illness
  • Income Protection – Income for when your employer stops paying you
  • Business Protection – Director share protection or Key Person cover

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